Cook for a Friend
This program is currently on hold due to COVID restrictions.
Cook for a Friend brings together volunteers from the community served by our synagogue to cook nourishing kosher meals, and in conjunction with the JCC Klein Center, distributes them to individuals unable to prepare food for themselves due to illness or poverty. Two groups meet once a month to prepare more than 400 individual food trays in our kosher kitchen. The meals, which are a complete dinner, can be reheated with a minimum of fuss.

Group II
Meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 11:00 to 12:30 PM.
Contact Rachel Black
Volunteer drivers from the Klein JCC deliver the food trays, typically a week’s supply at a time. These volunteers provide feedback on comments about the food by the recipients and, when necessary, instruct them on the proper storage and preparation of the meals.
Cook for a Friend funds are raised though monetary contributions and Gift Card sales. These donations are used for the purchase of supplies and food items needed in the preparation of meals. All contributions (unless otherwise desired) are listed in the Beth Sholom Connection.
New volunteers are always needed as food preparers and drivers!
Mitzvah Pantry Drivers – Our pantry delivers food every other week to Jewish families in need, mostly in the NE. Each driver delivers to 10 – 14 homes. Permanent drivers are needed, as well as substitutes.