Jewish Teen Collaborative
JTC is a collaborative educational program of Adath Jeshurun and Beth Sholom Congregations, that is designed as a supplementary educational program for students in 7th to 10th grades. Students meet on Tuesday evenings, once a month on a Sunday and once a month on Shabbat. On Tuesdays each student participates in two classes. One class is a grade-level course, and the other class is Hebrew.
Our Grade-Level Classes
Our grade-level classes offer a variety of Jewish contents, age appropriate, and relevant to the theme of the course. Jewish history, Jewish text, Jewish culture, Ethics, modern Israel, and so much more, are an integral part of the courses. Our teens study not just through informed lessons, but mostly through a guided personal research, peer’s teaching, and experiential learning. Each course ends in a special night with families, clergy and staff, where our teens present their course’s related product.
Our Hebrew Class
Our Hebrew class is designed to strengthen our students reading skills, and to teach basic conversation ability. We want our teens to learn the Hebrew they need for practicing their Judaism, and the Hebrew they need in order to maintain some connections with modern Israel.
JTC also meets one Sunday each month and one Shabbat or holiday each month. Sunday programs offer either speakers or films followed by discussions, educational trips, social action projects, or community building activities. Our Shabbat and holiday programming brings the teens to both synagogues in order to participate in observance, discussions, appropriate activities, a meal. And plenty of “Ruach”.
JTC staff members have extensive experience working with teens through both formal and informal education. They are all passionate about Jewish teaching and are working hard to provide a great learning experience for our teens.
To learn more about the Jewish Teen Collaborative contact Jan Nossbaum at (215) 887-1342 or