Etgar Offers Programs for K-1 and 2-7th graders. The schedule for older children is twice per week on Tuesdays and Sundays.
All kindergarten and 1st grade students attend Etgar once per week, either Shabbat or Sunday from 9:15a – 12:15p.
A sample day includes:
9:15 – 9:30a: Music with Cantor Agar or Hazzan Glantz
9:30 – 10a: Interactive tefillah (prayer) with hand and body movements, instruments and thought questions
10 – 10:45a: Hebrew
10:45 – 11a: Snack with 2 – 5, including brachot, Hebrew word of the day, Hebrew day and month and Birkat HaMazon
11a – 12:10p: Learning about holidays, Torah, biblical characters, Israel
12:10p: Entire school gathers to say a prayer for Israel and sing HaTikvah
For more information, or to register click here.