Men’s Club Activities
Supporting our Synagogue
The goal of the Men’s Club is to inspire men of all ages to be more involved in synagogue life through Avodah (service and prayer), Kehillah (community participation), and Tzedakah (charity). Men’s Club supports the Beth Sholom Congregation by promoting fellowship and organizing events. Our members provide services for our Synagogue, assist its youth, and enjoy social, religious, and educational camaraderie with all congregants. Our Club is a vibrant resource to our members and community and offers many programs and services which support religious, social, and cultural activities. To ensure that we deliver the highest quality in these offerings, we augment the fundraising efforts of the Synagogue with significant financial contributions and provide our specific programs to help ensure that we have a vibrant social calendar where congregants can meet and interact.
Supporting our Youth
Since 2018, our popular and appreciated “Bonds for Babies” program has honored the babies of our synagogue members by purchasing an Israel Bond for the newborn of every congregational parent. We work closely with Youth and Education leaders to support your children. We can lend a helping hand with local activities and regional USY conventions. We provide a metal-finished Kiddush Cup for Bar and Bat Mitzvah students and Confirmation gifts for students that complete their Jewish education program. We donate funds to Beth Sholom’s Hanukkah Program and Summer Camp Scholarship Fund, which provides the opportunity for children to attend Camp Ramah and other Jewish enrichment programs who otherwise would not be able to do so.
Supporting our Men’s Club Softball Teams
Each Spring, the Men’s Club fields two softball teams that compete in the Delaware Valley Synagogue Softball League from April through July. The games are friendly but competitive, and spectators are most welcome. We are looking for new players to join our veterans on our two teams when we take to the diamonds and start another fun season. This activity is a great way to stay in shape and revive your athletic career while getting to know fellow congregants. We are a modified fast-pitch league.
Herb Sobel Memorial Passover Food Drive
Families, the elderly, and single parents all need to celebrate Passover. For 43 years, Men’s Club has spearheaded the annual Beth Sholom Memorial Passover Food Drive. And when Passover approaches, The local B’nai B’rith International Project H.O.P.E. food distribution program provides those in need in our community with food for Seders and the eight-day Passover festival.
We depend on the generosity of our congregants and friends to accomplish our mission to help us succeed in our goal to make Kosher food accessible for those who need it during Passover. Monetary contributions to the Herb Sobol Memorial Passover Food Drive are used to purchase Kosher-for Passover food supplies, such as matzah, gefilte fish, wine and grape juice, matzo ball and soup mix, candy, cookies, and cake mixes, as well as other items to families that request them. All products are designated “Kosher for Passover.”
Men’s Club Football Pools – Fundraising Activity
Hi-Low Pool – Thirty-two lucky congregants select one NFL football team in early September. The goal is to have either the highest or lowest score every week.
NFL 33-point pool – participants are assigned a unique NFL team (32 members max). Members win when their team scores 33 points when the game ends. There are usually 4-7 scores of 33 points throughout the season. This is an excellent format for the more casual user looking for some excitement during the NFL season without researching picks or rushing to get their choices in before a deadline.
Other programs include but are not limited to:
- Sponsoring our annually sold-out “Steak, Spirits. and Sports in the Sukkah” during Sukkot.
- Integrating the newest members of the Beth Sholom community into the social fabric of our Synagogue.
- Conducting the World Wide Wrap on Superbowl Sunday, which promotes the mitzvah of putting on Tefillin.
- Leading services during the annual Men’s Club Shabbat.
- Serving on a committee or Men’s Club Board.
- Supporting Mitzvah Day projects.
- Brunch and Dinner speaker series.
- Supporting Jewish inmates at the Montgomery County State Correctional Institution – Phoenix.
- Helping with our congregational ritual and educational needs.
- Contributing to Youth Scholarships for summer camp programs.
- Helping to provide Passover food for needy Jewish families in our area through our Herb Sobel Memorial Passover Food Drive.
- Providing stimulating social and cultural activities among our congregants and the community at large.
- Training knowledgeable leaders for the Synagogue and the Jewish community.
To learn more about our very active Men’s Club, please contact Art Lashin,