Upcoming Events
Men’s Club Programs and Events 2024-2025
Sunday, August 4 -The Larry Cohen Memorial Deep Sea Fishing Excursion – This is a beautiful experience for beginners or anyone who likes to fish. The crew will do as much or as little as you want, such as handling the fish, baiting hooks, and netting fish. You get to fish with a great group of old and new friends. For the past two years, we had a blast! Join us on the calm waters near the New Jersey shore in Brielle, NJ. Registration and additional information will be sent in July through congregational emails. All congregants, including children over 12 years old, are welcome.
MEN’S CLUB OPENING DINNER – Tuesday evening, September 17, at 6 p.m. All congregants are welcome for a casual and fun evening with a delicious dinner. Dr. Kenneth Winneg, the managing director of survey research at the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, will be our special guest speaker. He will provide insight on “Making Sense of the Polls in the 2024 Presidential Election.”
Monday, October 21 at 6:15 pm -Scotch, Steak, and Shiur, with a Taste of Talmud – Seating is limited due to the small size of the Congregational Sukkah. We will accept registrations (men only) on a first-come, first-served basis. Rabbi David Glanzberg-Krainin is our featured Talmudic scholar. Brazilian BBQ Kosher Steakhouse will cater dinner.
Sunday morning, November 10 at 10:00 a.m.—Veteran’s Day Brunch—Join us for a Veteran’s Day celebration as we honor our veterans for their service to our country. Our featured guest speaker is Allan Silverberg, a member of the Jewish War Veterans Post #697. The Jewish War Veterans is the premier voice of Jewish uniformed service members and veterans in the United States.
December 15 at 4:30 pm – Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs Middle Atlantic Region’s annual Man of the Year Award ceremony and gala dinner occurs at Adath Israel in Lower Merion. Men’s Club congregations annually honor those whose work, dedication, and achievements set an example for others to follow.
Beth Sholom Honorees are our 2024 Man of the Year, Don Sable, for his contributions to our club, synagogue, and community, and Arthur Lashin, the 2024 Regional Man of the Year for his extensive record of leadership and service to the International Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, the FJMC Middle Atlantic Region, and Beth Sholom Congregation.
Join us to celebrate our honorees and enjoy a fun evening with delicious food and short speeches with congregants from other synagogues in the Delaware Valley and South Jersey.
Men’s Club Arcade Party, Thursday, December 19, at 6:30 p.m. at TNT Amusements, Inc., 1310 Industrial Blvd Suite 3, Southampton, PA 18966. All congregants are welcome for a Pizza dinner and hours of tactile engagement. Enjoy the Pinball sensory experience with bright lights, colorful artwork, and the feel of the ball ka-chunk bumpers and walls.
All profits from the Beth Sholom Men’s Club Arcade Party will be donated to Project Pinball Charity, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that places pinball machines in children’s hospitals and Ronald McDonald House Charities to provide recreational relief to patients, family members, and staff.
WORLD WIDE WRAP – Sunday morning, February 9
Start your Super Bowl Sunday with a super event. Let’s Wrap and Roll Tefillin as a community. The World Wide Wrap is an international, coordinated minyan encouraging Jewish men, women, and children to participate in one of the basic commandments in the Torah: the wrapping of tefillin. Etgar School students will join our congregation for an educational session led by Rabbi Glanzberg-Krainin.
Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Packing: Sunday, March 9, from 8:30 to 10:15 a.m. Volunteers are asked but not required to deliver approximately 18 candles to congregant residences in your neighborhood between March 8 and April 11. All Congregants are welcome.
Trivia Night – Wednesday, March 19, at 7:00 pm, at Jerzee’s Sports Bar and Pizzeria, 2609 Mt Carmel Ave, Glenside. While answering trivia questions, you’re also reconnecting with people and making new friends. Plus, trivia games provide all sorts of interesting information. Regarding social experiences, trivia is hard to beat, especially since you get to embrace your competitive side to win exciting prizes. All congregants are welcome.
Men’s Club Shabbat – April 5 –The service highlights the participation of the Men’s Club in the religious life of our Synagogue and promotes the Men’s Club within our shul. Multi-generational families (male only, please) and teens enrich our service.
The Men’s Club Closing Dinner is Thursday, May 15, at 6.00 p.m. Our special guest speaker is noted author Terry LeBan, an alternative underground cartoonist and newspaper comic strip artist. He is recognized for his comic book series, “Cud,” and his syndicated comic strip, “Edge City,” created with his wife Patty Leban. Terry will discuss his new book, “Mendel the Mess Up,” a middle-grade graphic historical novel set in the remote Jewish Village of Lintvint. Discover whether Mendel can avert disaster and save his village from the invading Cossacks!
This is an event you won’t want to miss. All congregants are welcome. Pre-registration is required. Questions? Contact Art Lashin at alashin@fjmc.org