We welcome Shabbat every Friday evening with An informal, intimate “Come As You Are” service at 6:00 pm.
The second Friday of each month we have a lively musical Shabbat with our own Neshama Band and the third Friday of each month our Adult Choral perfroms. Check our calendar for exact dates and special Shabbat dinners.
Shabbat Morning: Our Saturday morning service is the highlight of our prayer week. Children are welcome in the main service. Check our calendar for our special Tot Shabbat and primary grade services, as well as special Shabbat Experience Shabbatot and joint services with Adath Jeshurun.
Saturday morning service begins at 9:30 am at Beth Sholom.
The Torah Service usually begins at approximately 10:15 a.m. We use the triennial system to read part of the weekly parsha and complete the annual cycle.
Mishaberachs (prayers for the sick) are publicly announced for those who are ill.
Children under Bar/Bat Mitzvah age are invited onto the bimah at the close of services, approximately 11:50 am, for Adon Olam.
Torah Aliyot: We are happy to celebrate special occasions – birthdays, anniversaries, trips to Israel, etc. – with an aliyah to the Torah! To arrange this, please contact Cantor Agar at (215) 887-1342 ext. 110.
Havdalah: We have an intimate service in the Price Chapel each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat on Saturday evening at sunset with Minhah (afternoon service), Seudah Shlishit (third meal of Shabbat), a short Torah study session, Ma’ariv (evening service), and Havdalah (separating Shabbat from the weekdays).