Mitzvot B’Yahad / Social Action Committee
The Mitzvot B’Yahad Social Action Committee is an umbrella group for many social action activities such as providing food for the needy (Cook for a Friend and Mitzvah Food Pantry), environmental issues, helping the sick and social issues. Members of the Committee work on all or some of these endeavors. The Committee was recently able to switch from plastic plates to glass plates for synagogue functions and instituted a recycle program.
Mission Statement
The Social Action/Mitzvot B’Yahad (Doing Mitzvot Together) Committee shall provide congregants with information about social and political issues, consistent with those identified by USCJ and/or the Rabbinical Assembly. It shall undertake and promote opportunities founded upon the Jewish principles of gemilut hasadim (meaningful acts of lovingkindness) and tikkun olam (repairing the world). It shall address those issues by enhancing and building up existing projects and activities, and/or developing new projects and activities as appropriate, in the areas of social action related educational programs, lectures, events and projects.
Contact Marjorie Boxbaum for more information.
The Beth Sholom Mitzvot B’Yahad Social Action Committee continues to focus on food insecurity. Due to the downturn in the economy and an increasingly aging population, there is a growing need to help those who cannot fully afford enough food to survive. This battle to fight hunger is more critical than ever. Current economic indicators show that the number of hungry people in America will only continue to grow. Today, one in four American children struggles with hunger. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 17.2 million children are at risk of hunger all across the country. Hunger is a reality and a daily struggle for many Americans. Ironically and sadly, they are living in one of the richest countries in the world. This should be unacceptable to all of us. Follow this link to see what you can do.
Beth Sholom volunteers in the Mitzvah Food Pantry and Cook for a Friend programs are already working to combat this problem in our own community. The growing numbers of people who come to our Mitzvah Food Pantry each week very much appreciate the fresh produce they receive. Our Cook for a Friend volunteers ensure that many homebound senior citizens, who might otherwise do without food, have a hot, nutritious meal each day. The ongoing work of all of these volunteers helps people in need and, at the same time, helps us as Jews to take concrete action and fulfill our responsibility of ma’akhil r’evim – feeding the hungry.