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Social Groups

Current Events Discussion Group

 Each week, Bob Rubin leads a discussion of current events from 8:30-9:30 am in the Library after morning Minyan.  All political, economic, and social points of view are welcomed and encouraged. The only ground rule is that we will be polite to those opinions that differ from our own.

If you are interested in attending and suggesting issues of importance, email Bob Rubin here.


Book Chat

For information call Patti First at (215)887-1342.


Rikkud Philly Israeli Dancing at Beth Sholom

Rikkud Philly Israeli dancing meets Thursdays at 7:15PM and will be led by a variety of dance instructors. Current COVID Health & Safety Policies are strictly observed. For more information contact Stacey Salsman at (215) 887-1342 x109 or